[ Gift Code ] Nhất Mộng Cửu Thiên All gift code - how to redeem code

[ Gift Code ] Nhất Mộng Cửu Thiên All gift code - how to redeem code
Nhat Mong Cuu Thien - A masterpiece of 3D swordplay role-playing game, bringing you back to the golden age of martial arts games.

Nhat Mong Cuu Thien possesses sharp, realistic 3D graphics that recreate a vast martial arts world with gangster struggles and romantic love stories.

Gameplay inherits the quintessence of the martial arts game series
Learn and upgrade the unique features of the martial arts game series such as: campfire monster training, Tong Kim battlefield, fate of the world, outdoor boss hunting,... Nhat Mong Cuu Thien promises to build a new world. The world of gangsters has depth and martial arts qualities. Possessing 4 legendary sects: Tieu Dao, Co Mo, Nguyet Dao, Tuyet Son with mutual interactions, this latest role-playing swordplay game will bring many attractive martial arts experiences.

Brothers unite, brothers stick together
To play games is to have brothers. Understanding that, Nhat Mong Cuu Thien creates a series of activities to encourage players to participate such as: boss hunting teams, clan campfires, clan battles, clan alliance battles,... for players to find. close comrades for a long-term bond. From there, build the most vibrant and sustainable martial arts role-playing game community.

Countless gorgeous outfits, coordinated according to personality
Sharp, detailed 3D graphics from costumes to accessories, each outfit has its own unique design, imbued with martial arts style, giving knights countless options to create a unique and stylish appearance. impression.
In particular, in Nhat Mong Cuu Thien, appearance is also a highlight to express oneself and attract the attention of others. A beautiful appearance will help you score points in the eyes of your friends, teammates, and even find sweet love.

Meet romantic love
In the world of martial arts, there are not only fierce battles but also fairy tales of love between knights and beauties. Nhat Mong Cuu Thien possesses a rich love system, giving players the opportunity to find their other half. With the love system, players can freely marry the person they love, organize a lavish wedding ceremony, build a family together, give birth and raise children.

Enjoy PK early in the evening
Nhat Mong Cuu Thien possesses an extremely diverse PVP system. Guests can freely show their bravery through 1vs1, 3vs3 PK matches, or stand side by side with their guild brothers in guild battles, guild alliances and martial arts supremacy.

Size: 1.04GB
Language: Vietnam

Download Nhất Mộng Cửu Thiên
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vn.funtap.kiemhiepx
APK: https://apkcombo.com/nhat-mong-cuu-thien/vn.funtap.kiemhiepx/
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/nh%E1%BA%A5t-m%E1%BB%99ng-c%E1%BB%ADu-thi%C3%AAn/id6473225483

Gift code Nhất Mộng Cửu Thiên
  1. tieudao6868
  2. vipcode1trieu
  3. tuyetson666
  4. nguyetdao888
  5. como999

How to redeem code Nhất Mộng Cửu Thiên
Bạn vui lòng truy cập https://playfun.vn/giftcode/nhat-mong-cuu-thien chọn game Nhất Mộng Cửu Thiên và tiến hành đăng nhập. Sau đó vào mục Giftcode chọn Đổi code, chọn server và nhân vật muốn nhận thưởng.

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